Bury the hatchet means to me to forgive. The idea of bury means to cover it up. Forget about it. This is difficult for most of us. How do we bury something that bothers us?
Since I saw him last, much has happened. I didn't feel the need to catch up or have anybody else catch up. I just went my way because I thought eventually everything will catch up to me. No sense dwelling on it.
I couldn't think fast enough. I was fresh. Or so I had thought. But it was an age old thing. I was old. Fresh a bygone word. How can one be fresh and old? They are two words that will not mix.
I don't like dominance and yet as a old white male I have been accused of such myself. Not by my actions but my profile. I protest. And sometimes I get through but then I am accused of dominance all over again.