the elasticity of your skin, the elastic hairband i wear on my wrist that you used to tie your hair with, the elastic sound of plastic hitting pavement like the way your sunglasses crunched underneath the soles of my shoes. it's hard to hold onto anything that is yours because it burns my skin to think that you will never be in my arms again.
Following the rules is boring.. Why should you do everything you are told to do? Life is about breaking outside the box, creating something new and exciting and revolutionary. No one has ever achieved their dreams by following everything by the textbook. Take some risks.
Bobaaaaaaaaaa in my mouth. Really that's all I can think about because I've been craving boba tea for like 2 days now and there's no where around here that sells it and I'm DYING. Ugh, I need to take a mini road trip into the next town over so I can get some of those yummy little tapioca balls in my teaaa! And there's a thick straw that comes with it so this isn't THAT off topic.
My favorite color. The color of passion, of things that are ALIVE, of the sunset and the sound of blood pulsing through your veins. The color of my walls, the color that encompasses the thing I love most: life, and the opportunity to be anything I want to be.
your blatant honesty with me is like a tall fresh glass of water. it's so refreshing to feel alive and understood by you. your words never cease to amaze me with their clarity and meaningfulness. all i ever want in life is for your hand to be in mine.
Curiosity. An unconscious need or desire to learn and discover something more than oneself. Asking questions even if you may never receive answers.
Her heart is breaking and there is nothing I can do but watch; as her body language changes, as her eyes harden and her skin toughens, she no longer looks at me with the warmth of understanding, but instead with the wounded glance of a small child.
I wish I had a crew that would write this paper for me. Honestly, what am I going to learn by reading a textbook and regurgitating information that will have no impact whatsoever on my future career? Nothing, except that you are a horrible teacher who does not expect any individual thought or uniqueness from his students. Which is why a crew would work best, giving you the answers you WANT to hear rather than the ones you SHOULD.
my parents have a trailer that is much too small to hold all of us. when we decide to go camping i still have to take a tent because there is no way i am going to fall asleep on the top bunk of a very uncomfortable small boxed in room.
She sat there, dazed, confused, puzzled. She could not comprehend what she was just told. How could that be possible? She has always read about it in the newspapers, or posted all over the internet on home pages, but never thought it would happen to her... No one does.