We used to a bracelets made out of friendships, and now we have friendships made out of bracelets. I don't want your things. Don't you know that true treasure lies in you?
The word that will get me through this week. The process before the end. "Through" requires strength, persistence and faith. Through requires hope. You can make it - through.
Enclosed and enslaved in this wilderness. They say it's safe here, but I've never been fond of the uncontrollable external.
Relishing in excitement. Your movement was electrifying. I longed after your every word.
Precious stones that I have hidden away. Its raw form masking its true value. I wish you knew how much I was worth and the goodness I could bring. You misguided passerby!
Tasteless as cotton. Who would've thought you'd be lacking so much flavour? You are certainly not as advertised.
Should have taken the opportunity to grasp you by my two hands when I was small. Little did I know the beauty of the piano.
Surround me and engulf me with your warmth. Your smiling presence leaves me wanting. You are like a lingering colour in a room of grey.