Some people thought he was brave because he faced death so calmly, but I know him for the coward he was.
As Eve left the garden, she paused and breathed in, once, so she wouldn't forget what innocence smelled like.
Jelly belly, that's what they called her. Because when she danced it shook and wiggled and had a mind of its own. But she never really cared, because her eyes were always closed and she always laughed louder than their jeers.
When Berta opened her grocery bags, she found them full of Lean Cuisine and not her usual packages of milk and cookies and snacks. She decided to pretend she was another person, someone who cared about those things - skinny jeans, and high heels, and pretty thin faces - but she couldn't do it. So she went to her fridge and pulled out the ice cream and smiled when it dripped onto her shirt.
Her withered, wrinkled hands could not hold the skillet through the shaking. As it dropped to the floor, she could already hear the clang, even though her hearing had gone years before.
Reports indicate suspect is a green man with tentacle arms and fanged teeth. Please be advised suspect is armed with a laser gun and will stop at nothing to get back to his spaceship.
"It's about relatives," the Professor said, and frowned. He tapped the knife on his chin, leaving hair-thin streaks of red. "If I kill you, it means the end of the world for you, but it means almost nothing to the rest of the world."
The rocket landed in Bertha's front yard. Upon her investigation, she was sucked into its depths as it relaunched and exploded into the sky. All they found of her, in the end, was her knitting and her favorite yellow apron.
He solved all the world's problems in a little room, by his lonesome, and realized in the end that the problems were what tied everyone together and made them see love, for it was illuminated in the dark, and so he downed his coffee and went into the sun to be one of them again.
The furnace was lit when she returned to her house, but the warmth didn't erase the lonely cold inside her.
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