
Whimsical, the word is whimsical. Story of my life as Ingrid. What shall I do today? Book, dance, write, clean, love?
Jason Bourne, that is all.
It was obvious. Why couldn't I see it then? They all knew it was obvious and yet nothing penetrated my walls. Or did it? It did. I am ashamed. It was obvious. I'm not sorry there's nothing to save.
Eh paperclips? We could be friends if you like. I rarely see you around. Hit me up and we can hang sometime I'm not out with stapler. Ttyl, lolz.
Dear rejection,
You surround me always. You are behind me and before me. Most fear you, while the rest loathe you. I have began to smile at your visits. You have yet to disappoint. You bring me what I need instead of what I want. You are the footpath to fate.
What's the possibility that I might actually be happy at the end of my life?