Route = Root, not Raut, I like this word...seems like it has a lot of meanings.
root root root root.
This is a miserable oneword entry on my part, I apologize! :)
a sanctuary, yet it's a place of mixed emotions. Some people go there to explore & expand their minds, others go because they are forced, and have to write a paper....either way, they are most likely learning something new. I love the smell of old library books.
I'm always wrong. But then again, who decides what's wrong and what's right? I guess it's a morality thing? I don't know. I think we all need to cut each other a break sometimes....we all have our moments, and we can all be wrong, though most people wont admit it. I hate when people wont admit they were wrong.
Sheets are what make a stressful day seem ok. That dive we all do into our beds, the morning feeling when we don't want to leave the sheets and blankets that have cradled us and kept our warmth. Sheets of paper? Bland, boring, cold...Sheets of cotton or silk or whatever? HEAVENLY
My temper sucks. Bipolar takes over, leaving me angry. They say it's genetic...my dad's temper, worse than mine, random, striking when he gets mad. Temperamental, mental temper, either way. it sucks. fix me. I want to be solid, not back and forth.