The configuration of today is less than fitting for the laws of physics. We argued that no one could be in two places at once, based upon that law. But that is the law within this own universe. Who's to say that there are many of us in the same place at the same time, completely unaware of each other?
I poured over my head the oil and the water mixed together in a fragrant bath. It meant that this time of my life was over, it was complete. You were to be around me no more. Never more. Without you, I will thrive without the barrage, the assault of your indignity. It was without repair, you were.
It stood marvelous yet ominous over there small city streets. They bustled with the fury of every day life and manifested the stress upon the people, boundless with their thoughts. One man with leathery hands silently fed the pigeons with his last crumbs of bread he begged from a man with a richly colored tie.