What's the chance... Game of chance... Take a chance... Do you think I even have a chance?
Force myself.... Do I? Or should I just go with the flow? Do I decide out of desperation or wait patiently? What if the circumstances force me into a decision I should have passed up? Hmmm...
Poison to the mind and to the soul... That is what being idol is to me... I must have something to keep my mind busy... If I don't... Oh, if I don't then my mind tends to make things up all on it's own... And that can be a poisons all on it's own.
When I was young, we hardlymever saw a deer in the woods. Now they are everywhere. Where did they come from? What changed to bring them back from wherever they were?
What is success but the smile we give ourselves at the end of a long day for a job well done. Each of us measures success by our own yardstick.
Pete and repeat... An old rhyme my dad used to tell me... We loved to laugh together." how I miss that... It's the laughter and the good times that we always seem to miss the most...
Near the end...
Near a friend...
Near the cross...
Near your boss....
Answers... Everybody seeks them... Sometimes they don't even exist... Sometimes they are just elusive. Yet we all continue the unending search.
Elastic.... If only we were all more like that... Stretching and bending as needed but not breaking... Alas, we are often too caught up in the emotion of the moment...
Driving is something I prefer not doing... Yet I've driven from Florida to Washington state and from there to san Diego.... So much for not wanting to drive.
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