Thing used to make taffy. Salt water taffy from Tennessee is the best. When I go down there with my family me and my dad go and watch them make it through the window. We have been doing that since I was only a few months old. Memories make me want to go back there :)
Sonar... All I think of is boats and stuff. I like boats there cool. I'm a captain of a boat! And my friend Ella is the first mate and Alli is the deck boss.
Pretty colorful pieces of art that make any room or party look amazing. The more Decorations the better! I love decorations haha
Boring I don't like science. I feel like everything in life doesn't have to have one meaning. Not everything follows the same principles. Yeah somethings do but not all things, science would be cooler if it wasn't one answer all the time. Keep your options open!