I love soy milk. Some people think its unnatural. But it's so yummy...
I like to think of myself as a transport for others' dreams and goals and wishes. Its my duty to fulfill them. But sometimes I have trouble distinguishing my dreams from every one else's in my head.
I miss those days in the summer when I did nothing and sat around all day with a glass of juice in my hand and saying "I'm bored what should we do?" and my brother would say "I don't know what do you want to do?" and I'd shrug and say "I don't know". We'd put on plays for our families, me and my little friends. Once about Cleopatra, once about a multiple personality serial killer. Sometimes we'd walk to Walgreens and stroll through the candy aisle and the office supplies aisle and pick things up, imagine them in our house, in our lives, then put them back on the shelf. Sometimes we'd go walking around the park and run away from dogs that came in our path and try to catch baby bunnies. And then sometimes we'd sit around playing cards in my basement, forgetting about the game and just laughing and talking. Forget about school and shit. Just ahahahahaha. And some more. Then watch as my brother and another boy wrestles for the fun of it. We play ping pong and epicly fail. And the trampoline creaks and squeaks under our weight. Chased off lawns by neighbors. Hiding in our rooms from neighborhood bullies. Rolling down hills. Planting and naming tomato plants. Letting our parents take pictures and record this piece of heaven. I miss it. :(