Last year of AP Bio we spent like two weeks learning about all things plants. Normally this would be terrible. Not the kind of biology I like at all. But this year was 10 million times worse. We had a student teacher...Ms.Kemner WHO WAS TERRIBLE. She would always stutter and she didn't know her stuff. I think I lost brain cells listening to her. Needless to say, I didn't learn a thing.
I'm sure that the first thing the majority of people think about is the elderly. Why is that? Just because their older doesn't always mean they need assistance. They are just as willing and able as we are. Sometimes the young need assistance too. It's not like we should judge them based on their age. Don't take your age for granted. It'll be gone someday.
Hospitals. I volunteer at one. I assist patients 3 days a week. I change sheets, I push wheelchairs, I take lunch trays, I play with kids and I clean toys. It wasn't until right now that I realized how much of a slave I am to the hospital. LOL. geez.
You sit in class and you struggle so much to see that one guy. That one special guy. You crane your neck just to get a glimpse of his hair. His eyes. Because to you, that's all you need right now. Just to see him. Just to know that he isn't just a dream. He's real.
Given. Whenever I hear this word, the first thing that comes to my head is math. Geometry Proofs in fact. Ya know, you get the proof and the given information. Then you start the project. Those proofs only make me think of proof camp in Mr.Ryan's freshman class. All the snapping. All the yelling. All the hate. What memories, right?