
The sticks crunched under Alex's feet. This forest looked deserted, but he couldn't be sure. Something didn't feel quite right. Behind him, Chris and Ben seemed to be having a grand old time, but Alex couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.
You're mean. Not good or bad. Just mean. Not wrong or right. Just mean. Do you know what I mean? No matter what you mean to be, you're simply mean. Your meaning is lost in the meanness. On a mean, you're meaner than anyone else I know.
I don't know what I was expecting. I hadn't seen her in three years. I suppose I figured I'd gotten over it. But no, the second she emerged from the tunnel that led from the train to the terminal, I fell back in love in just the same way as I had four years prior. She had me hooked, just like that. It wasn't fair.