The fence in my backyard always falls over during the windy October season. Some of the only activities we have as a family include making sure our place doesn't fall apart. We gather with our fence neighbors and jerryrigg the fences with ropes. There are no block party potlucks, no neighborhood fireworks. Only the fences keep us together when they're job is to separate.
When I think of decorated I think of a Decorated Soldier or Warrior. Everyone thinks we're wrong in going to war, and I always have as well. But when you look at it anthropologically, we've been at war since we've learned how to use tools, we are a horrible species.
I drove about 60 miles away today to get a great crab sandwich and a ridiculously huge sundae at Fentons Creamery in Oakland today. It's so crazy how far away I have to go to have a great time with someone.
Near Hear Beer Sheer.
Not Hot Bot Shot.
Nose Hose Bose Shows.
Neat Heat Beat Sheet.