What the hell is up with poison? I mean really? Poison is like the pullout method of the killing world...IT SUCKS. I wonder if chickens can pull out? Just kidding...I guess chickens don't really have sex. But whatever. How about donkeys? Damn those things have big balls. I mean like they are HUGE. Donkeys..burros..what's the difference? Some old lady told me it was a difference of which one carried Jesus,,but she was super old and EXTREMELY religious..I personally think that partying is fun..Silly religious people. Mormons. Crazy. I used to be one. I got bored. I quit. I'm young. I need to live. Ya know? The Book Of Mormon looks like an amazing musical. I wanna see it on broadway. Broadway is so amazing. Makes me super happy. So many hot guys in NY. But I've never been there? Poor deprived child much? I think yes.