The building would collapse into little pieces like legos. Boom bang - burst and perfect squares collect at the ground.
Here it is... #1, the best you could write; Look at the structure, look at the form. The words that flow and never repeat themselves. This is the Example, the ideal. Replicate and don't deviate from what's already been perfected.
The sweater pilled at the edges and its murky orange color did nothing to sharpen its appeal. Then again, the t-shirt on the next hanger was dyed a gross pink color and read something unintelligible about Madonna. The attraction to Forever 21 finally died inside me.
Red, white and swirling blue outside the shabby urban shop. It belonged in country, but obviously it was lost.
My dad came back from that barbershop once with a crooked haircut. It was buzzed at different lengths along the sides of his head.
The street bench flakes
pretty green strips
on the gravel by the birds.
Pigeons flock and flap around
that place
where I first loved you
When you sauntered by,
with your imaginary parasol
high above your head
I knew our epic had begun.
Her hair fell in thick loops down her back, and looked like rope spun from cinnamon and copper. She wore it braided and pulled into an artistic tangle, giving the appearance of a bird nest fit for avian royalty.
Pin pricks leave
blood welling
all over dusty skin.
Stars on that tan sky
dance and glimmer
(ruby constellations).
Monsters in the dark reach out their tentacles and slither around with long tongues and buggy eyes. They reach through the passage with their suction cups. But they cannot touch because they thrive in a darkness that only exists in the mind.
The keys are clicking and the print on the screen seems to dance a little before it settles. I don't know what I'm writing but the words appear. And yet they seem stiff and unwilling to compromise with my thoughts.
Aunt Christina was a mystery, an unknown figure from holidays and birthdays of my childhood. The uncles always were distinctly obnoxiousness but she slipped into the background, present but aloof.
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