The event was miniscule to some but huge to others. It's forgettable in many ways. If you didn't turn your head at the right time it could easily be overlooked. I turned my head at the right time and saw it happen. It could have been the event or just my understanding that validated it. I'm not sure. The event was the simple waiting for a 4 year old girl to tie her shoe. Her dad waited patiently for her to finish tying it on her own. In the crowded sidewalk many people were walking but it was important for this little girl to tie her shoe by herself. Her dad knew that and allowed for it. He allowed her to find her ability to complete a difficult task when he could have easily hurried her along. He didn't. A stranger and I saw it happen at the same time and acknowledged each other knowingly. It made both of our days a little better and hopeful. The best part was that the dad never knew this had been seen at all. He was just doing what he thought was best.