On my ship, my crew is bombb.(:
The other day I saw a trailer. It was multi-colored and had peace signs on it. And then a hairy guy got out.
If Justin Bieber sang acoustic, He'd break a glass. Dusti-o. (:
I severely dismiss you to be my buddy:)
I am DETERMINED, to have a great day. Even though it is windy. :(
People who are strong have strength.
I have plans that involve murder, and me not being caught. Haha jk. :)
I bet the little leperchaun, Lucky, was not trusted by the kids who were after his lucky charms. *!D
Well, some kid just got yelled at because a camera....ok, ummm digitalness. Dang.
Dunndundundun dadadadun. Me and my heels!!(:
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