It's not enough for someone to simply obey. They have to want to comply for their own reasons. Obedience without love is worth nothing. It's simply you establishing power over another unjustly...
I was worried about a downpour last night, so I opted to take the train to work and possibly a cab home. The cab company was a pack of jackoffs, so I had to walk home at 1:30 in the morning. It was three miles. That's not so bad, except for the fact that I strained my back on Monday. FML.
One way that a man can be prosperous is to be completely content with the present moment. There's only now, and concern for what can't be changed and what can't be controlled or predicted only robs from enjoyment of the shared experience of the here and now.
I suppose it's about time that I realize my recent efforts are yielding incredibly positive results, and that ramping up the intensity or frequency is the next step toward achieving the life for which I believe I'm destined. November will be a crucial time for this, no doubt...
This is the second time that this site has given me the same word two days in a row. What gives? It'd be OK if it were a good word, but "braid" is kind of lame...
I asked why she'd decided to braid her hair. She told me that she'd always admired the proud, young black girls with their tight, braided hair. She didn't have a Rosa Parks or Harriet Tubman to admire. She was just a white devil, after all.
Sometimes I feel dense when trying to come up with something poignant to say during this 60 second exercise. The words run from me, like a fox from an angry but sad-eyed bloodhound. I'm forced to resort to somewhat cliched metaphors stolen from Disney films.
This word makes me think of the Madonna song from the movie "A League of Their Own." This used to be my playground, this used to be my dream. This used to be the place I ran to whenever I was in need of a friend. She really isn't that great a songwriter...
Yesterday I got photographic evidence that my lifestyle changes are having a visible effect on my overall appearance. It's very encouraging and hopefully will last. The same is true for my writing habit. I'm making it stick regardless of the hurdles.
I want to give up the notion that it's possible to be "pressed for time." Time is a constant. We have no more or less regardless of our situation. The key is to perform actions mindfully and to the best of our ability.
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