
bleak makes me think of winter afternoons. The bare trees with snow clinging to the branches and nobody is around. It makes me think of loneliness and walking alone by a pond in the park where everyone you used to know used to gather.
I was having a flashback about...something. Nothing really. Flashback...flashback...haha, flashback. You can tell when one's coming when watching a tv show or a movie. And now...flashback.
Whiskey? Haha, I just watched True Blood and one of the characters, beat up and soaking wet, asked for a towel and some whiskey. 'Cause whiskey will help the situation. i don't drink whiskey, don't ever plan to do so.
I was created by God. I was created to do great things. I don't always know how to go about it, but I've been put on this earth to do something special. I was created in His image...whatever that means.
my mission? I don't have a mission. Well, my mission is to get straight A's in college. It sounds scary, but it can be done. I can do it. In drama club we make everything a mission. It makes life so much more interesting.