
To escape from the prison of the south and that long red hair that does not belong on a girl who looks as she did and yet it made her one of the prettiest creatures ever to capture my attention. Alabama has her and Maine has me but I think of her and wonder if I had not told her how I felt, would we still be friends?
well this weekend is going to be an absolute shit show. Rugby Ball is not the place to take people you particularly like. Perhaps it is not the place for girlfriends. There is a certain degree of fear that has been instilled in me surrounding this event.
and my soul is on fire because I want time to skip forward to 10 years from now because I want to know if the man we sat across from at breakfast today will be my father in law. and I'm hoping that this is the real thing, that I've I read about in all those book, seen in all those movies, but most importantly watched in my parents eyes when they see each other and think I'm not looking.
Good. You've had something in your life you've believed in enough to fight for. You have pissed off people because you refused to be complacent. You have gone against the proverbial grain. Grated it down smooth with the force of your strokes as you paddle up stream.
There are a murder of them clustering on the lawn. Highly inasupicious. Highly suspect as well. For what can a murder of crows be wanting in this perfectly normal suburban house?
Bowling for soup blared over the radio. GOT MY FIRST REAL 6 STRING. Lidsay hits the snooze button. Why her mother made her set an alarm in the summer was beyond her.
I thought that a unicorn had thrown up when I walked into her room. Why why why had I agreed to this switch. I know that my other situation had been desperate but was I really that desperate? Wow Kat. You've really fucked this one up.
I mouth I love you when you aren’t looking at my lips as we drive in my car. I mumble it against your shoulder when we’re falling asleep, you with a pillow between your shoulder and your head, me on your chest, trying my hardest to melt into every tiny crack there is to occupy. I say it to my best friend when she asks me how I feel about you. I want to scream it.
and you are the waves of the sea beneath which I will drop my anchor. My mooring point will be deep within my soul. There will be a line let out so I can sail the seven seas but I will come back home to thee.
for who do the bells toll? who's life is determined to be the most worth living. Money is success is the biggest lie anyone has ever told. You are successful when you are happy, no matter what you are doing.
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