I hate tomatoes and I've always had to put up with people throwing sundried tomatoes on my pizza, which is honestly quite rude. Can't I enjoy my mozzarella and basil without having to deal with your sundried tomatoes as well? I guess I know some people that are like the sundried tomatoes of people as well. They pretend not to be tomatoes, but then they are, they're just awful, and you already committed to ordering the pizza, so you're stuck with this pizza you want to eat and all these people who are just making it shit, and it takes a while to pick them off and you can never quite get rid of the whole taste of them, but you can try. I guess I'll start trying, is what I'm saying.
I hate tomatoes and I've always had to put up with people throwing sundried tomatoes on my pizza, which is honestly quite rude. Can't I enjoy my mozzarella and basil without having to deal with your sundried tomatoes as well? I guess I know some people that are like the sundried tomatoes of people as well. They pretend not to be tomatoes, but...