"You drive me crazy"... the common phrase AND a Britney Spears song. That's what first comes to mind for me. And I guess the actual physical driving a car aspect of it. There are so many things in life that can drive someone crazy. People, things, events... people. Everyone gets on everyone else's nerves. That's a fact and I don't think that will ever change in society. So many people have so many different opinions and quite a few of those people don't care to listen to the other side. That's where the term "you drive me crazy" comes from I would guess. That, and when opposite sexes (or not) tend to confuse one another in love.
Lock and key. Everything is under lock and key. Somehow that's what comes to mind first for me. Maybe it's my lack of trust or past with secrets... But I honestly think, once you tell even just one other person, a secret will never completely stay locked away. I admit, I trust very few people and sometimes I don't even trust myself. But saying "Please keep this under lock and key"... It's unrealistic.
Another step up. Gaining on a goal. Level headed. It takes a lot to be a level person. Ya know, I think so many of us are so disoriented and not so perfectly leveled that those who are completely sane, look insane. The insane make the the sane, insane and vice versa. It basically causes a conundrum.
Unbelievably hot. Bubbling up. It seems like it always takes forever to hit boiling. I guess in both life and cooking. Everyone has that one point where you just break and everything bubbles up to the surface. You can't stop it but it's terrifying whether it's you or someone else that hits that point.