People think that gold is the only thing that bring you any happiness in life. WHY? Because it’s money. People want security. But this isn’t the security that they need. They need love. They need to know hardship and how to get through it and get through it together. Gold means nothing. Experience is everything.
I tracked the bug as it made its way up the wall and traced the trail with my finger. It had been days since I stepped out of the confinement of these walls and I was loosing my mind. Or maybe finding it.
In the trenches they wondered if they would survive to see their unborn children. They wondered if they would watch them grow up and find their first love. Wondered where they would go to school and who they would turn out to be. That's what they wondered while the bombs whistled past them.
I like to sing along to the song as it drifts gently through my mind as the persistent *ding* of the levels bring me only slightly back to reality. Oh, here I am. Hello, Maker.