Splash!! When i resurfaced everyone was clapping, i'd just won our anual 4th of July splash contest. I made the biggest splash!
automatically Marley and Me pops in my head. You know the scene where marley is out the window with owen wilson holding him in? That's what comes to mind! i love that movie though i cry everytime...
The torch in my hand was my only source of light while i carefully made my way through a hidden passage i found in my room. you see, i just moved into this new house, and while exploring and decorating, i stumbled apon this hidden passage so i grabbed a torch from my room and made my way through to find that it led to an enormous closet!
i couldn't think. all i could see was the staple stuck in my finger and what, to me, looked like loads amount of blood. you see, im one of the people who will pass out at the sight of blood so i was probably exagerating about the amount gushing out, but still. my last thought before i blacked out was "how could i be so stupid not to pay attention while stapling".