Ramona Wander, my old pal. We met in the Chicago Stockyards in the 50's and she was the best sausage maker I ever knew. I was just a lowly lard taster when I spotted her and we snuck into...
...and chairs....all filled. Why not go to Carol's Texas Tea Party? She was one heckuva woman...husband stealer, big hair, bible thumper, Union buster and advisor to Koch Industries. Little wonder folks came to the brunch to say "howdy" and snarf those free cream cheese and olive sandwiches snugly wrapped in tiny Georgia Pacific tea napkins at the glitzy launch of her new career as the GOP star lobbyist for Corporate Overseas Job Development.
It was in Dorking when we met. He sat on a bench. His little beady eyes looked up at me and I couldn't help but love him on the spot. He had a wet nose and his fur needed combing. He followed me home and we called him "Bench" for no reason that I can think of.....