the eifosfdalbkrots;blrfvrejck;eqrkj[oijbqrklbrjikbiovdcklm,rebehuioflskadvio jklrwx,jf3riowdmjcvqoerigehrqjdjbvkrjrgorgweiogpfcmekqeccx,efimcxfjerl rhuieghpregqjkafmb eoigjkljvfkm griogjregokjnfbhjl;bhrghe[0isfs'djskvrfkljbofdibhbfkdjjjergviorejb b rioreggklj fjeigrigrigrg[rirugreopigrogpergrpgiogudvjhigeirgurgiuhrvjkvdkjorgijrioggoirguiogjdvkjirotbjrb? That's what I thought.
I sat there staring at the book shelf, trying to remember the last time I had taken one of my grandfather's books off and read. That is what I needed. A good book would get me through this night.
She could not stop to think about what they had said. She would not stop to realize that the determination they had mistaken for anger, for displeasure and disconnection, really was the heat of her passion combined with fear, with the desire to do great things.