
I left my flat for the sole purpose of getting chocolate. And kind would do really. I was leaning towards ice cream. Nice big tub to sit with on the couch and watch romantic comedies all night long crying about what could have been with my mates. While they try and make it better by saying it just takes time and that everything will be okay in awhile. When they really don't want to be here and their words aren't really helping at all.
I was afraid to see him. I was standing there at the bottom or the stairs. Taking one step at a time. Wanting so badly to run down them and away from him. What would he say? Does he even still care?
It isn't safe when it's misty. The water in the air could be dangerous. It could be poisoned because of the unclean ocean and rivers. Nothing is safe here anymore. Not even food. We boil the water before we drink it, but sometimes I don't think that's enough. There is probably still radiation. And that is a scary thought. But hopefully one day it will all be fixed again.
I remember the leaves rustling in the trees. Such an insignificant sound back then. You never thought about those things. Now there aren't any leaves. They are all burned up. I was 16 when the bombs hit. Now I'm 19. Three years and I've never heard a leaf rustle. I'm beginning to forget the sound of nature. Wind running through the trees. I hope I get to hear it again some day. I hope everyone can come together and stop fighting so we can get back to the world we once were one day. Maybe become something better.
I didn't know what to do. It's like I was having a fight with myself. Two little mes rusting around in my head. Should I stay with him or should I leave. He makes me happy. But he also makes me unhappy. I love him but sometimes I feel like he doesn't love me. I tell him how to fix things and maybe he does it for a few days and then he just fucks it up. I don't understand. Why does he do this? Doesn't he want us to be happy?
I remember when the world ended. I looked up and saw things falling from the sky. We were living in an old home and we had a bunker. And I'm not stupid. I knew those were bombs. I ran and hid. I knew my family wouldn't make it. I was the only one home. Stayed sick from school, even though it was only the last week. I was lazy like that. the last week is boring anyway. Now I never get to finish that last week. Everything is dead now. Everything is dirt and dust, and broken.