This is probably an evil word.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes."
Or something like that, it's been a while since I've seen that movie.
It was the worst one.
All of the teens in my town are hipsters and hicks. Self-dubbed, these guys refuse to be involved in anything because, well, that's really lame. Disengagement is the new pink, I guess.
Whether its a hit or a fruity drink, it will have lots of stimuli. Even the word SOUNDS abrasive.
When people usually talk about horses, they say junk about freedom, and energy. Horses have been muscleslaves for thousands of years. So much for freedom.
Every Minnesota winter is like this. Where the sky matches the snow in a dirty grey and you can't even see the horizon. When my finger stay cold and my head is muted by unhappiness,
This is when I turn on the nicer setting to spray plants, instead of shower or jet, because they are much too harsh. It is the euphemism. Euphemistm
Autumn's soundtrack; wind and decay that smells not really like the bad kind of death, but the kind people can accept and even admire. Autumn is a good thing.
An objective word that is always weighed down with emotion, and all that messy stuff. That's irony, right?
Thats what you are; you go to people and soak up their personalities and character flaws and make them you. And you can get away with it because you do them better the anyone else does.
Kettle...sounds too much like "nettle" for my liking. But then again..."petal" I guess they kind of cancel each other out.
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