I know of someone who became a priest only to discover that his love of music was stronger and conflicted with the churches schedule. So he decided to leave the church and now plays music almost nightly in desert towns.
I'm really upset that wonder balls aren't allowed to be sold in the US. Screw those dumb kids who will choke on the toys. Those kids deserve to choke if they don't know that you eat the outside and not the awesome plastic toy inside. They're ruining it for the smart kids who should be rewarded with wonder balls.
All I see is rain. Which it hasn't. In a long long time. As long as the tracks into the sunset.
Play stations used to be for boys. There were jokes about it. Playing with play stations. Playing with girls. Now there are girls all over the gaming magazines and comic con.
Another lovey dovey oh la la in your pants word. *sigh* If I'd taken all these words seriously maybe I could have pieced them together to write a romance novel. Apparently the ladies love them.
Creepy stalkers in the window. They want to watch. They leave letters in your mailbox and follow you to the grocery store.
I thought being around dead people would be a great job. They'd be quiet. There'd be no awkward social interaction. The perfect client. I could do it. Instead I signed up for library school.
It's already so damn hot. I slept four hours and the AC is broken and it's only going to get hotter. If I could argue for wearing underwear on "Casual Friday" this is the day. I'm facing Mr. Printy's porn habit, crying babies with bleeding noses, chatty old women and faxing, phoning, multi-tasking. I wipe away the sweat, groan, roll out of bed and call to say I'll be late.
I had a teacher who began class one day with a lie. He continued to lie for fifteen minutes so until someone raised their hand. She'd found a discrepancy in something he had mentioned earlier in the lecture and asked about it. The teacher smiled and admitted that the whole lecture on tape worms was a fabrication.
Being put in the corner is an excuse not to play with the other kids. I can entertain myself all day by making shapes in the smudges found on the wall, imagining gnomes coming and going in and out of little mouse doors at my feet and the revenge I might someday get.
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