As I looked into the small wooden baby holder, I realized that our creation, what we meant to make together was no longer there. Where did she go? Who has her? I swore she was there the night before. In fact, I can still see a soft imprint of her body. She is gone. But where. That is my life's purpose. To find out.
I felt like a prisoner. The walls caved in around me. I found myself scraping along the fluffy white floor. I can't remember what happened. I just know that I was awake and moving. Flowing freely, gracefully. There was a sound and then a bang. The kind of bang, where you only hear it in your head. And then the lights become brighter while everything becomes dark at the same time.
The time before I knew who I was going to be is considered historic. If only we could be privyed to such information. I would no how to maximize my full potential. Not only potentially avoid disastrous, or unfortunate life decisions, such as a crummy, low paying job, or a long term relationship that I kept beyond its expiration date, like a carton of milk in the fridge, just staring at me day after day.
Well, I have found a way. A way to replicate my youth and watch it advance beyond my current age, and predict with a close reality of the potential for my future. It's like seeing a future me in action. Almost like a real life Choose Your Own Adventure. I can't share this with anyone. Yet, I don't believe I can fully fulfill the operation and process necessary for this experiment to work.
Besides, I want to test it on another first...just in case there are any unfortunate side effects or consequences that couldn't be predicted.