My hand crawled up to the littler hairs that tickled the back of his neck as our kiss deepened. He moaned when I tugged and twirled at the little coarse hairs. I backed away for a breathe and he started laving heated kisses down my neck. He hit the spot and I quietly moaned so my boss wouldn't hear.
And, yes as we were sliding those hills of whites in fits of giggles I realized that Marco might possibly be the one. In the past it was hard, we has bumps in the road as big as the mountains behind us. But we made it this far, and we could make it forever.
A fleet of ships roamed the ocean. The blue above and below were both endless. The boat rocked rythamiccaly with the never-ending waves coming at them. The sailed, tried to cover ground, just hoping it was the right direction they were heading. They couldn't see whats in front of them it was all trust
not this word again
can i have a different word please
that would be nice.
stitch each pattern together like you did to my heart.
we'll be under that quilt to night looking at the stars.
I sat with my grandma on her old musty house. She stayed quiet as she pulled the needle rythimacally through each square to make a quilt. adding on and on until the end. I smiled at the constant rhythm that almost matched my heart beat