A transformation is the process through which you take a given object or concept and change it into something else, be that a permanent or temporary effect. You take something ordinary and through time and resources change it into something extraordinary, be it a caterpillar that becomes a butterfly, or a child that sheds it's innocence to enter adulthood. Transformations are a one way process, you can't convert ash, and smoke back into wood once the fire has been lit.
Stunts are an attempt to get attention that you're usually denied through normal or expected means; They're an attempt to get recognition or show off a talent you feel is unrecognized and more often than not they have the opposite effect, you can end up physically or emotionally damaging yourself or others and you can wind up hated rather than admired.
hidden among the ageless pines, sits a building made from brick and mortar. An unassuming building from its appearance, but within it is nestled one of the great treasures of the mind. Serenity.