"I can't be in a relationship with someone who neglects me this much."
His excuse.
"ha, do you even slightly recall anything that's happpened the past 5 months?... if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black."
My response.
A deserted island at sunset.
A good book.
A new album.
A walk in the park.
A day with him.
On wednesdays we had chapple. I'd go into the church and sometimes i'd listen. But on the back wall there was a stained glass cross and beyond that there were cars and people. The outside captured my imagination. I played pretend wondering if everything was as bad as they made it seem.
Fences. Spiked fences, like walls. They held her in, in that house where she never wanted to be. No escaping those fences.
Empty, an endless pit of blackness.
She wants to cry but the tears don't come.
Emotions used up and wasted.
dressed in black, hidden from the world.
saving herself for the lord.
The house was decorated with all the latest fashions and the people inside were too, but no matter how lovely the house appeared the people that lived there were never quite as pretty on the inside as the out.
Near, I can feel you. I feel like I'm nearly going to run out of time.