i haven't eaten in 4 days
and i feel the best I have ever felt.
My soul is turning into it self
and hopefully one day I won't exist anymore.
If this doesn't work…..
I have school in two hours
i told you
i don't care
you whispered
i mumbled agreement
turned over
and feigned death
just so i could have
those meager hours
smelling your aftershave.
she was the rebel
that had lost everything
she was
a rebel
in a world
that needed one
tea cups and kittens
flowing through the window
silky sunshine
nostalgic dust landing
on the queen
check mate, my
a small wooden door stood before her bare feet. she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and knocked
it opened
a bewildering world unfolded before her.
she took a step, and then another,
and thats when her life began.
the unwritten letters you wrote me
that deserve to be sent
the explanations
and stories
and memories
spilling onto the page
like black coffee on a sunday morning
with blueberry muffins
and quiet murmurs of agreement