When I am determined, I can do anything. I am unstoppable! Now I need to stay focues, and determined to get the Dean's List again this semester, and not get distracted & lost in the sunshine. Instead I shall use it for motivation & keep pushing through, to finish out this semester with a bang! On the right Dean's List. :)
Yellow, blue, green, red, black or white: scarves can go with anything! Having become a modern fashion statement, thanks to the hippest of the hipsters, scarves have become super cool again! As with every non-conformist trend (what an oxymoron, right? All these trends that make you so "unique"), scarves have now become so popular, that the only thing unique about them would be not wearing one. As much as I love defying a trend, this one keeps me warm in this awful midwestern winter weather. So, I guess I shall conform to anti-conformity, & keep my cold little neck warm.
Yellow, blue, green, red, black or white: scarves can go with anything. The New fashion, thanks to only the hippest hipsters, scarves have become cool again. & this is great living in this awful midwestern winter weather.
I wondered about life, friends, family, and myself. But I've come to realize that "Finding yourself" isn't a one time event, or a moment in time: it's continuous. It's the collection of moments, discoveries, friendships, heartaches, all of it.. It's the ongoing adventure of living. :)
I wondered about life, friends, family, and myself. But I realized "Finding myself" isn't a one time thing, or a moment in time, it's a continuous adventure, a collection of moments, discoveries, friendships, heartaches, all of it.. life.