Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will, be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Thy will is the tough part of that stuff, I guess. It's hard for my because it is MY will to know what THY will is. I'll do it, if I know what it is I'm supposed to be doing. But that's just the rub, you have to go along without the knowing; having FAITH. Geeze.
That wolf had something. My mean ole stepmother deserved everything she had coming and then some. She was a horrible woman who exacted misery upon everything she encountered with zeal and alacritude. I'm glad-he-ate-her.
My lips are chapped and so is my hide. I've been out in this wind for 12 hours.
It started as an easy challenge. Take a picture of a cactus blossom. Our own cactus were not yet in bloom, but I was sure that I'd find what I needed at the top of the hill, on the hiking trails at Inks Lake.