People talking with each other, it's really cold right now so my teeth are chattering.
I have no idea how college kids can fit so many things into their schedules. I mean, they have crazy class schedules, club meetings, a social life, figuring out when to eat, and a million other things! I commend the students who are able to effectively manage all of that at once.
Horses. They have to be one of the most awe-inspiring animals out there. Not only is their strength mighty, but it seems as if every move is made in absolute elegance.
As you tipped your hat up, I was frozen by the exposure of your perfect porcelain skin. Do you have any idea how stunning you are? You carry around this air of perfection that no one can ignore. Yet, you're oblivious. Don't try suppressing your beauty through that unworthy hat.
He tilted his head so he could confirm that this girl he was looking at was as beautiful as he first thought.