A skill in fine dining with a certain set of manners. It can also be translated across to "high-class" manners in general, not just for dining. This is as much as I know...
I was expecting a certain piece of post recently - I got what I was expecting, and I don't like it.
It is a prediction of what you think is the most likely outcome of a situation, making you "expect" something to happen because of something.
Sometimes I will want to assist people in their life in general, I want to just help sometimes. Once having assisted someone, I feel better about myself, knowing that I have done a selfless deed for someone else and that I have made their day go by a little easier. I like helping people.
braids are somethnig that is put into hair. Braided hair is a style that is used to make ones self look better or more appeasing to the eye. Usually hairdressers will apply styles but this is more common for it to be done by yourself or a friend, usually female.