As the conversation went on, the story began to unfold. Somewhere beneath the insecurity, somewhat shorter than the tall tale was the truth. A major crossroad of her life; Not yet a part of her reality.
Master the art of love making and you will be the master of your own universe.
If not, you will be a masterbater.
Five fingers on one hand and one foot of toes. Five o'clock sharp is when I arose.
But nothing compares to the things which they write. Nothing compares to the poetry or prose.
When he walked into the party, it created quite a stir. "Why is he here", she thought to herself.
Some of them were her friends but he still had a connection to some of them. Some connections were deeper than others.
Whatever happened was as a result of tragedy; a result of insecurity. Somehow it took me higher. Somehow it shaped the future and the past something we can't change.
I'm not sure where we went sideways. I thought we were all square. I think I may have been a bit premature in my judgement. Now we're in a shit storm of epic proportion.
I'm not sure what to think. She is late and we have only been together on one occasion.
Do I love her? I think I do, but this could get out of hand quickly. I'm not even sure I want children;Not this situation, not this way
"Don't act like you are clean." "This is a major deal." "And I'm not even taking about what happened in January." "This will never be the same!" "WE,.. Will never be the same!"
Do not use me for your own gain. My family has bent over backward for you. Would it kill you to act like you even care? I will be back tonight and we can discuss where we go from here. I’m tired of it Michael! I’m tired.
Do not use me for your own gain. My family has bent over backward for you. Would it kill you to act like you even care. I will be back tonight and we can discuss where we go from here. I'm tired of it Michael, I'm tired.
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