Is anything really possible?
That is what Max did not know.
Max is the other part of Zerak the man behind the Mask.
Max is the lion in the cage, the man in the woods, the Wanderer, the out lander.
The only one who has truly seen his face is his father and the one he truly loves who is different from the others like......... me. She fills a broken, missing, forgotten piece of my heart as long as she is around especially when she looks in my eyes and knows......................
hint- i hit you with a door ( so sorry it was an accident )
I'm not the most Scientific person in the world
,but when it came to grades i achieved my goals.
I was more of a English kind of guy ,but not because it way easy nor hard.
The best thing about it though was my spectacular teacher!!!
Do you know what it means to be accused?, asked the Lion
Only when lie's are made, said the Man
So you have never done anything wrong in your life?, asked the lion
Yes but never accused of doing anything wrong till... now
then you must see the other side of Mankind for yourself!, said the lion ( with his loud roar )
I was often the outsider
the out-lander
the one who basically never fit in with my piers
called names like loser, weirdo, and monster.
Of course i didn't care because only one knew who i really was, but only to an extent
here's a hint she is in my 6th hour. The only problem is she won't let me in, for me to tell her how i truly feel about her.
The Outsider Max Skull-Field
Grenade, Love, Hate, Explosion, Sympathy, Sorrow, and Death.