Cracked raw and chafed. Bears the brunt of the load, puts up with the dog shit, yet never gets the recognition. Unless it gets high, then it becomes a symbol of elegance, aptible business skills, and even dominance. Funny thing height.
encircles the eye, drawing your stare, and also what the stare was drawn with.
Eyeliner? I 'ardly knew 'er!
candles dripping their fragrence onto flowers of irridescent noses, sniffing, searching, seeking the perfume. Smell made visual, vibrant and loud.
unison. dawn. enlightenment and illumination of the masses. waking us up from our dark dream-strewn slumber. Rousing us with the noise of song sung by one. Bird and man, competition and harmony
lock it onto the arse of your car and drag it round in the dust all day. A teaser of a movie, exciting you of something still to come whilst it drags behind with its tail down, limping along beind you in the dust
rusts and corrupts. Smoothes and steams. Maidens and housefwives, tool of torture and business suits.