A week after the operation, she was rolled her out of the hospital and back into the world. Though she could no longer see, she could feel the warmth of her husband's sweaty palms gripping her squeaky wheelchair. She could feel the soft wind caressing her eyelids, flowing into one ear and leaking out the other. And she could smell the fragrance of pine leaves in this wind, the fragrance accompanied by a soft crushing underneath her temporary feet.
Smiley Smith didn't have a choice--his name had been predetermined in utero. His mom, a social worker, and his dad, a plastic surgeon, chose this name for him before his brain had fully formed. So what else could he do but smile his way through life?
Smiling during sex is a strange act--I would say if you're not making the most disgusting face you've never dared to make, even in front of your own mirror, then the sex isn't good enough!