I was only five when I saw my first horse. Maybe younger. But I knew I wanted to be one. To have one. To watch it run and toss its mane and flip those gorgeous hooves in the air. Today I have my own horse to watch.
Sam brushed the leaves out of her hair to present herself without a mussed look.
Tomato planted. Raised bed. Caterpillars. Dog digs. Water. Water. Water. Sun. Sun. Sun. Caterpillar. Deer. Raised bed.
Wet puppy noses, wet eyes of a loved one, wet lawn chair, wet hay. Time for rain and love.
Sitting here at my desk. The cat uses the litter box. How very fresh. Not a good kind of fresh.
It was a big thing. Located on the back left leg, right above his hock. The doctors said it was a tumor, mass, whatever. All I heard was blah blah, cut it out, blah, might be cancer, blah.
Picture this. The man walks into the building. Looks around. Then he asks whoever is closest to him, "what place is this?" This really happened. The woman standing there said, with not a little surprise in her voice, "why this is the
George kept saying he had a secret. I knew the secret. what he meant was he would tell my secret. he held me captive with his threat. is that normal behavior for a six year old?
We knew. We always knew we'd need to create structure to our lives. A framework to work within. A roadmap of where we wanted to go. That would be the only way to know, for near certainty, that we would get there.
I Love jellie's and even wrote a book called Jellyfish inside out. it has a cd rom in it too, to show how the stinging mechanism works. It was fun and hard to write! For 9 to 12 year olds.
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