Before I was scared. Before I let people use me as a bridge and walk on me. Before, I let anyone put words in my mouth. But I am not a puppet. You can't stick your hand in me and make my lips move. I have words to say and you're going to listen. Before, I was afraid to say that.
Begin marks the start of something. The first time you walked up to the boy with the glasses. The first time you published your first poem.
Together is like a chain. You're bound and ready to face any challenges. Rattling, breaking, rusting. Anything. Together is being committed. No matter what. Like my parents. 28 years and counting.
It’s something I rarely feel. Sure I’m alive, but I don’t actually feel it. I’m the noun, not the verb. It’s something I see in his eyes. When I see him, I’m sure my eyes light up too. They’re alive. Something I rarely feel. Something I am.