My arms circled around me as I paddled through the water, depths from the surface. I watched the sponges around me flail with the ocean’s current, and be battered mercilessly by fish and crustaceans of all kinds. They’re alive, I thought. Surely they must feel pain too? The thought was shoved out of my mind as I felt something soft brush against my foot. I paled to white and nearly fainted from the sudden feeling of upcoming and inevitable death...
The fog's haze abruptly grew stronger as I slowly walked down the frosty avenue. I didn't want to make my presence known, out of fear for my life, yet the crunchy stones under my heels thought otherwise, and proceeded to mock me and my life as they seemed to rumble the seemingly empty lanes with noise.
The left over salt from the recently passed Winter crackled satisfyingly under the heels of my shoes. My eyes were misty from my recent confrontation with the person I despised, and I mentally flinched, remembering it. I continued to trudge down the cold and frosty late Winter's avenue, unfallen tears burning in my eyes.