i'm stuck here, sentenced to a life of pain and misery and angst. but i've only done it to myself. i can't help it. sometimes i try and change but i never can. i always stay the same. i just what things to be different. i want to be different. i want to be able to be the person i want to be, but i keep reverting back to the person i was before, and it is so frustrating. one day i'll change. one day i'll be different.
i'm falling, falling, my arms circlings around me, unable to control myself. i'm losing myself. i'm losing control. everything is a blur, the people spin around me. i can't stop. nothing is as it was. i'm falling, falling, my head spinning, my emotions a whirlwind. i can't keep on like this, i can't keep going like this. i need something, i need help.
i am tired. people make me tired. LIFE makes me tired. i wake up everyday hoping things will be different, but they never are. i keep making the same mistakes. i always tell myself i won't do those stupid things again, but i always do.