The nominee was a joke. How could they have chosen her over him? A small waifish thing with nary a stitch of clothing to her name, but there she was. Their nominee for the sacrifice. Woud the gods find her acceptable?
A gentleman is no longer. It seems that the feminist has destroyed the notion of being a man for a woman. Holding doors, and and walking on the street side a re little more than forgotten notions.
My body is a temple they say, and yet I have not worshiped it in some time. Alas it crumbles now, and too little too late I begin repairs and upkeep hoping it won't fail me soon.
Make no bones about it. When a man falls that far and hits ground that hard, he will most certainly be hard to identify.
I drew my eyes quickly over the console, looking for the pistol I had left lying there. It was gone. I felt the intruders gaze burning into my face as she pushed the point of her blade deeper into my ribs.
The summer was long. Hot. Humid. Time to think and reflect on my decisions. The work juvenile work crew that summer of 1989 left me...
How many days doe the word eyeliner stay here? i come to write about something new. Not old, used and black or rust or dead.
What thuh? Done did it, Diddy.
I found some once when I was young. It was sitting there on the end table looking back at me begging to be used. So I did. On the walls, on the floor, along the drapes. The room was much improved.
Takes me back to a time when mom, and brothers and the togetherness were commonplace. Smells of fire and bacon cooking in the morning, muggy summer days quenched by lake dips.