we wher amazed when we saw hawai it was amazing we had so much fun
Little bunny jew jew hoping throw the forest.Bunny!!!!
we wher playing volly ball and i spiked the ball.
we made a diagram yesterday for science Xp.
the snow flakes wher wer falling it was christmas eve we opend one present then we fell asleep the next morning we opend all our presints.
science is a fun class we do all kinds of experaments we lern about earth qwacks and valcanos.
qwack qwack went the duck . flying and soring .i was hunting i spoted the duck and BOOM!!!!!! down went the duck.
my grand mother got my sister a reader for her birtday but she dosent us it so my mom told my grand mother and my grandma sead to give it to me.
we wer on the game family feud me my sister mom and dad we wher wining by a lot so as u can think it was exsiding we wher going to win a car.
the reason i was on stage was becous it was a ply. the play was about a old man and i was that old man i ws sopoe to be mean and cranky
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