Carve the name into stone
Into a tree whose bark is long strong
Carve a heart with our initials
As long as forever
Carved into nature
Is our mark and
The memory of us
To the music in my mind
My most terrible thoughts, seldom seen
Mingle with the best, seldom heard
And they do a waltz around the depths of my head
Without Water
The sweet sound of your voice
Telling me it's all alright in the world
Without your kiss
Your touch
It's like being without
You are the fallout
The one we believed in
But you let us down
Let us down hard
What more was I supposed to expect
From such a failure
You are the fallout
No one is going to help you
Back on your feet this time
Driven insane, I am
Driven to the very edge of the crusty
Desert that is my sanity
There is no water
A drought has struck
And here I am without a hint
Of life
You have driven me there
Wash the dishes
Wash the laundry
Wash your hair, your face, your toes
Wash everything for
Everything has to be sparkling clean
Nothing is better than
A bright smile on a dim day
A warm hug when it's below zero
A light kiss that was better off heavy
But what starts it all
Is that bright smile, love
Be brave, he said
This won't hurt a bit
What he forgot to mention was
It was going to hurt a lot
Bravery doesn't do anything
It just masks fear
Without fear, we are nothing
Be brave, he said
No, I replied
With this magic wand
I will make everything over
To be brand new
And untouched
With this magic wand
I will better the world
I am strung up on things that don't matter.
Strung up on my ex, on my current, on my future.
Strung over the tallest trees and the roughest stones on the highest mountain.
Strung in machines that don't work.
Strung all over life.
But like a string, I get cut
By the sharpest of knives in the most dangerous places
and, with my luck, the blade is new
Not even a dull one for me