When the old lady finally did return the computer,she brought yummy cake.
Torianna, the one with the creepy laughter, ran after Makayla yelling "Cool guys don't look at explosions" and Makayla got very scared. Poor Makayla.
You must be very patent to get what you want. Things come in time. You can't rush anything, so be patent.
Torianna is very passionate about going to the pool to see hot life gaurds.
''Im still working on my project.'',said the girl.
Torianna thinks she should live in a castle. A castle should only be for princesses. Tori is not a princess,she is a hard core camper.
I have compassion to my animals.
Conviction means a strong believe. I know someone that has a conviction about his relign.
"I suppose you can go to her house.",said her mom.